DURIAN, a fruit that is familiar to the Indonesian people, is sought after by many domestic tourists, particularly those who are visiting Medan. Medan is known for its durians, particularly those from the Bahorok region, which different from other durians in Indonesia. Plains in Indonesia. There are two familiar durian stores in Medan, Ucok Durian and Durian Sibolang. These stores never run out of durian since they constantly source it from various sources.
This time, we’ll talk about the durian in Bukit Lawang, Bahorok, Langkat. Known as durian Bahorok, it is considered to be the best durian in Sumatra because its highly coveted thick texture, bright yellow hue, and potent perfume. Since the rainy season begins in the seventh and eighth months, the durian bahorok frequently produces fruit during those months. You must be familiar with the term “bahorok wind” by now. Yes, since hurricane winds are considered to be fairly powerful, it should come as no surprise that storms were discussed in textbooks while we were in elementary school.
The Bahorok wind, which was uniquely created by God to coincide with the durian season in Bahorok, prevents the farmers who tend durian gardens from bothering to drop the fruit in their gardens during harvest time because the Bahorok wind will wipe the durian fruit clean off the tree so that it falls to the ground. Durian is a favorite fruit of both human and orangutans, farmers in durian gardens must maintain this area fairly secure to prevent monkeys and orangutans from stealing the fruit. Farmers in durian gardens just pick up the durian fruit under the tree in the morning.
Durian is an expensive fruit, costing between Rp. 30,000 and Rp. 100,000 per fruit. The price is determined by size rather than weight; the bigger the durian fruit, the more likely it is to contain a large amount of fruit. Due to the satisfaction of the flavor that can be had, many individuals do not consider purchasing it. Bahorok durians are frequently transported to islands other than Sumatra, like Java and Bali.
Unexpectedly, a lot of individuals enjoy eating durian fruit, but a few dislike it and may even feel queasy if they smell the perfume. The majority of foreign tourists dislike durian fruit because, in their opinion, the aroma is not particularly appetizing when breathed. For Indonesians, it’s humorous, yet it illustrates how beauty originates from contrast.
Because many people visit Bukit Lawang specifically to eat Bahorok durian, the number of domestic visitors increases during the seventh and eighth months. If the durian season arrives in Bukit Lawang, you can easily find it and get it at a good price. The price is much less expensive when the harvest season arrives. Many visitors buy durian and bring it back to their hometown because durian is popular there.
Durian is a fruit that serves many purposes, and the wood from the tree is also extremely important. The leaves may be utilized as natural motifs to create batik cloth in Bukit Lawang, and this cloth can be given as a keepsake to both local and foreign visitors that visited Bukit Lawang.
Visitors to Bukit Lawang come from many different nations, including the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, America, Canada, France, and even Russia. Because Bukit Lawang is a part of a land that contains so much of heaven.
Thanks for reading my blog about Durian Bahorok
Alfath Dewantara (Alde) is a passionate advocate for Bukit Lawang and Indonesian travel. As a manager of Jungle Inn & Restaurant, Alde is dedicated to providing guests with an unforgettable experience.